Logo from EcoDaLLi
The main goal of the project, which officially started in January 2023, is to centralize Danube governance structures. It supports innovations for improved ecological restoration, protection and preseration of the Danube Basin and its Delta by fostering a well-connected Living Lab system, supported by a digital portal, completely linked to the EU Missions Implementation Platform.
Photo: Danube near Weissenkirchen (Wachau)
EcoDaLLi will support innovators to connect to governance structures by:
- providing and maintaining networks,
- trough dedicated Living Labs for knowledge co-creation,
- workshops,
- a custom made digital portal for synergies,
- and innovation support services, to experiment with new solutions, helping the innovation ecosystem to create circular services towards Sustainable Blue Economy in the Danube Basin and beyond.
Mission Ocean "Restore our Ocean, seas & Waters by 2030" aims to protect and restore the health of our oceans and waters through research and innovation, citizen engagement and blue investment. The mission will view the oceans and waters as one and play a key role in achieving climate neutrality and restoring nature.
For the implementation of mission Ocean, hydrographic areas in Europe are defined as Lighthouses: Mediterranean Sea, Baltic and North Sea, Danube river basin and Black Sea, as well as Atlantic-Arctic basin. EcoDaLLi acts as a coordination and support project for the DanubeLighthouse within the EU mission Ocean.
In the figure the project structure of Mission Ocean can be seen, in green the Danube Lighthouse as well as the EcoDaLLi project.
Photo: Danube near Nussdorf (Vienna)
The Danube is the second largest river in Europe after the Volga and drains large parts of central and south-eastern Europe. On its way from the Black Forest towards the Black Sea, it flows through ten countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and the Ukraine) - more than any other river on earth.
The EcoDaLLi project partners come from the Danube bordering states Germany, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, but also from France, Georgia, Greece and Great Britain. They come from administration, universities, the private sector and NGOs.
project duration
01/01/2023 – 06/30/2026
work packages
The EcoDaLLi project is divided into the following work packages:
- WPT1: Project Management
- WPT2: Nature based solutions & eco-system connectivity for the protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
- WPT3: Innovative practices in spatial policies for the protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
- WPT4: Danube river basin Lighthouse governance and networking
- WPT5: Fostering a strong innovation ecosystem for the protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
- WPT6: EcoDaLLi Portal Implementation for better crossfertilisation of achieved results
- WPT7: Danube Innovation Action Plan
- WPT8: Dissemination, Exploitation, Communication
Total budget of the project
2.68 million euros / Funded by the European Union