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© BAW/IGF zoom gallery
From June 29 to July 1, 2023, the basic course "Fishery Management Training" of the Landesfischereiverband Salzburg took place again. With a number of participants of 30 people, the course at Lake Mondsee was a great success.
In cooperation between the Landesfischereiverband Salzburg (LFV) and the Federal Agency for Water Management, Institute for Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries Management an extensive training program was offered, which covered important topics such as legal basics, water chemistry, hydrology, management of running waters and lakes, aquaculture, hygiene and fish diseases and much more. Practical sessions, such as measurements and sampling, as well as a visit to the Institute for Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries Management fish farm, complemented the course.
In their feedback, the participants were positively impressed by the broad knowledge transfer and the opportunity to get to know different types of water bodies and management forms. A comprehensive script was handed out, which serves as a valuable reference book. The course was praised as a basis for ecological and sustainable management of local waters and recommended to all interested parties in the association, including those already experienced.