Calibration of Hydrometrical Current-Meters

Regularly measured discharge data in our rivers are crucial for water management. The quality of these measurement data directly impacts the design of our flood protection structures, the delineation of hazard zones, and more. Therefore, the accuracy of this data is of paramount importance.

The department “Hydrometry” has been using current meters since 1897. With our specialized expertise, we primarily support federal states in the assessment of the discharge in their rivers and streams. Also becoming increasingly vital are measurements concerning sediment transport (bedload and suspended load) in our water bodies.

We are dedicated to ensuring or enhancing the quality of measurements and consequently, the data derived from these measurements. Current thematic focuses include:

  • Developing concepts and providing guidance to ensure the quality of our discharge measurement data.
  • Creating training programs for those conducting measurements.
  • Organizing comparative measurements.
  • Contributing to national and international standardization in the field of hydrology and water management.

Unfortunately, since March 2023, the calibration facility is no longer available to us! Therefore, no calibrations are currently being carried out. We will keep you informed about further developments here.


Silke Kainz, Dipl.-Ing. Department Hydrometry – Head; Department Hydraulic Engineering - Deputy Head
Am Brigittenauer Sporn 3
A-1200 Vienna

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