We show you the construction of the first calibration facility in Austria from the year 1896. At that time the plant was called "Pruefkanal". The page format of the documents is slightly smaller than the A3 scan format used, therefore all images have white borders.
All texts on the pictures are ONLY available in German; except for the first picture, the others are NOT translated.
View of the measuring canal (undated, probably 1896/1897) on the Vienna Prater not far from the Rotunda, which no longer exists today.
View of the measuring trolley (undated, probably 1896/1897).
Main page, stamp mark top left with designation "F. 140".
The following lines can be read:
Hydrographic service in Austria
The hydrographic service of Austria in 1896
Published by imperial and royal hydrographic Central-Bureau
Offprint from the "Oesterreichische Monatschrift für den öffentlichen Baudienst", Issue II, 1897
National emblem (Double-headed eagle)
Vienna 1897
Self-published by the Imperial and Royal Hydrographic Central Bureau.
Printed by R. v. Waldheim.
Identical as main page, but without stamp mark.
Report on first page.
Report on second page including sketch of a limnigraph (Water level measuring device).
Report on third page, including sketch of chronograph diagram.
Report on fourth page including sketch of two propeller blades.
The fifth page of the report including Certificat. In the then dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary, the currency was fl for florin; in Hungarian it was called forint.
Graphic representation of the station building.
Graphical representation of the test channel at that time.
Graphical representation of the test channel at that time.
Example of a propeller taring.