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Contact Person: Monika Kumpan
Brief Description:
The focus of analytics in soil is concentrated on physical parameters, such as grain size determination, density parameters of soils, determination of water storage and water conductivity in saturated and unsaturated soil and much more.
In the area of chemical analysis, those determinations are carried out in the soil that are of interest in soil science, and in water samples, those parameters are analyzed which are important in projects.
All analyses are performed according to standard operating procedures or norms with internal quality assurance.
In addition to the standard analyses, new methods are also being developed and tested.
© BAW-IKT / Bauer zoom gallery -
© BAW-IKT / Kumpan zoom gallery
The following physical and chemical tests are performed at the institute:
In soil:
- Grain size distribution of fine and coarse soil
- Determination of the pressure potential - water content relationship of undisturbed soil samples
- Determination of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of undisturbed soil samples
- Water permeability saturated
- Density parameters of the soil (solid density, bulk density, pore fraction, Proctor density)
- yield and yield point (plasticity index)
- Moisture content and water content
- Aggregate stability (sieve immersion method)
- pH - value
- carbonate content
- Determination of inorganic and organic carbon
- Electrical conductivity
- Nmin – determination (Determination of the plant-available mineralised nitrogen in the soil)
In water:
- Total phosphorus
- Orthophosphate
- Electrical conductivity
- pH - value
- Determination of dissolved and total organic carbon
- Determination of anions (chloride, nitrate, sulfate)
- Filterable substances
- ammonium
The analysis costs are regulated in the tariff of the federal institutions. We would be pleased to provide you with a cost estimate tailored to your question.